Jodha Akbar is an Indian historical fiction drama aired on Zee TV. The series premiered on 18 June 2013. The show was produced by Ekta Kapoor under her brand name Balaji Telefilms. It starred Rajat Tokas and Paridhi Sharma in lead roles. The show focuses on how a political marriage between a royal couple from 2 different religions brings love between them to the extent that it changes the fate of India and its people. The chemistry between Paridhi (Jodha) and Rajat (Akbar) was one of its kind. This leading couple became India's most loved TV couple in India as well as internationally, to the extent that when the show finally went off air, fans started a petition on the website urging producers and directors to cast the lead couple together in another TV serial so that fans could continue watching them. It was also one of the most expensive TV serials ever made with its dazzling array of period costumes, sets, and jewelry. Due to leading actress Paridhi Sharma's contract expiring, the show went off air.
Video Jodha Akbar (TV series)
Plot summary
Jodha Akbar is an epic drama about a sixteenth century story of a political marriage of convenience between a Mughal emperor Akbar and a Rajput princess Jodha Bai. It is full of fiction with no relation to real history. The show focuses on how their political marriage brings love between them to an extent that it changes the fate of India. This period drama also portrays the wars of that time along with the relations between the Mughals and the Rajputs. The drama also focuses on the functioning of the queens, the courts, courtesans, the ministers and their influence on the love story of Akbar and Jodha. The show also highlights how Mughal emperor Jalaluddin acquired the title of Akbar from the people and covers most of his reign from 1556 up to the 1580s, also showing the life of Akbar's children.
Maps Jodha Akbar (TV series)
Historical inaccuracy
Many of the events portrayed in the series are fictitious. Certain Rajput groups claimed Jodhaa was married to Akbar's son, Jahangir, not Akbar whereas certain reports stated that Jodha and Akbar were not married. They also protested against the show along with Bharat Ka Veer Putra - Maharana Pratap, another historical series that aired on Sony TV. The title of the series was criticised by members of the Rajput community as misleading, politically motivated historical revisionism that minimised Rajput history. The community's protests against the series in Rajasthan, and alleged that if the name is not changed they will not let any Balaji Telefilms films to be released in the state. Ekta Kapoor stated, "I always believe it's 20% history and 80% folklore."
The producer of the show, Ekta Kapoor was influenced by the 2009 big screen movie, Jodhaa Akbar, directed by Bollywood's Ashutosh Gowariker.
Rajat Tokas who had earlier worked with Ekta Kapoor in the soap opera, Tere Liye was selected to play the role of the protagonist Akbar
Ekta Kapoor stated she conducted 7000 auditions for the female protagonist Jodha across the nation before selecting Paridhi Sharma.
Ashwini Kalsekar was selected to play the role of Maham Anga, Akbar's primary caretaker and protector.
External links
- Jodha Akbar on IMDb
- Jodha Akbar:Official Channel Website
- Jodha Akbar On BOTY
Source of the article : Wikipedia