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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Precious Knowledge | Latino Films in Topeka
src: campuspress.yale.edu

Precious Knowledge is a 2011 educational and political documentary that centers on the banning of the Mexican-American Studies(MAS) Program in the Tucson Unified School District of Arizona. The documentary was directed by Ari Luis Palos and produced by Eren Isabel McGinnis, both founders of Dos Vatos Productions.

Precious Knowledge interweaves the stories of students and teachers in the Mexican-American Studies (MAS) Program-also known as "la Raza Studies"- at Tucson Magnet High School. It narrates the progression of local legislation proposed by the former Arizona Department of Education Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne, and other Arizona legislatures to eliminate the program, arguing that it fosters ethnic chauvinism and teaches "anti-American" values. Proponents of the program argue that the program has made a positive academic impact on the students and that the removal of the program would send an underlying message that Mexican-American students and their culture don't belong in America. Although the MAS Program was removed, MAS teachers and students challenged the banning at federal court. On August 22, 2017, a federal judge ruled that the ban on the program was racially discriminatory.

Precious Knowledge received attention in academia when it was screened at colleges across the country.[21] In 2011 the film received the Audience Favorite and Special Jury Awards at the San Diego Latino Film Festival and Honorable Mention in the Best Documentary category at the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival. In 2012 it won Premio Mesquite for Best Documentary at the Cine Festival in San Antonio, Texas.

Video Precious Knowledge


The film first premiered on Friday March 18th, 2011 at The San Diego Latino Film Festival. Film producer Eren Isabel McGinnis grew up in this area and graduated from college at San Diego State University with a major in cultural anthropology. In addition to her personal ties with the city, McGinnis said San Diego was the perfect place to premiere the documentary due to the fact that "it's a real important base for Chicano culture."

Maps Precious Knowledge


The film provides insight into the controversy in Tucson Arizona over the Mexican-American Studies (MAS), or Raza studies, program that occured in 2008-2009. Beginning scenes look inside the personal lives of 3 students enrolled in Tucson High's MAS program- Crystal Terriquez, Priscila Rodriguez and Gilbert Esparza. These inside looks reveal the struggles these students and their families face due to setbacks stemming from their race and socioeconomic backgrounds. Each student goes on to share how the MAS education program has positively influenced their educational experience and their lives at home.

In 1997, the Tucson school board unanimously voted to create a Hispanic Studies Department in all six of their schools, with the goal of lowering the Latino dropout rate. The department was renamed the Mexican American/ Raza studies program in 2002, and saw high levels of success in improving the achievement rates of Latinos. Tucson Unified School District reported that the students taking ethnic studies classes showed significant improvements on standardized tests and the graduation rate among these students averaged 93%.

The framework of the classes taught in the Raza studies program is based off of a social justice pedagogy that centers around searching for the truth and the concept of love. The film takes a look inside the classroom of two Raza studies program teachers, Curtis Acosta who teaches literature, and Jose Gonzalez who teaches American Government. In their classes, Acosta and Gonzalez teach students about the history of their culture and then challenge them to reflect, realize and reconcile with their culture's past. The classes also challenge students to become "warriors for their gente," and to take action on issues they become aware of through the learning in their classes.

Gilbert Esparza shares how the MAS classes made him a more engaged student and he started getting better grades in all his classes. Crystal shares how she never spoke up in any of her classes, but now she is more vocal due to the confidence she gained from her teachers in the Raza studies program. Crystal's mom also expresses how great of a change she saw in her daughter once she bagan classes in the MAS program. Priscila says she views her Raza studies classes as a second home and hates missing those classes.

Controversy arose surrounding the Raza studies program when Superintendent of schools, Tom Horne, announced that he would introduce a bill that would ban ethnic studies programs in the state of Arizona. Horne and other opponents of ethnic studies, argue that these programs promote racial divide amongst students in schools and is "in conflict with the values of American Citizenship." Hornes bill (SB1108) initially passed through Arizona's House Appropriations Committee but didn't make it to the floor after Governor Janet Napolitano threatened to veto it, so a new bill (SB1069) to ban ethnic studies was introduced in the next legislative session. After a series of debates from both sides at the committee hearing, SB1069 passed and became scheduled for a vote before the full legislature.

SB 1069 failed to pass, but legislatures continue to challenge the program's legality. Lawmakers then propose two new pieces of legislature, SB 1070 and HB 2281, which were partly aimed at ending ethnic studies programs. As these bills develop, producers display cameos from Raza Studies opponents and confrontations between advocates and critics of the MAS program.

To help decide if he would vote for HB 2281, Huppenthal accepts an invitation to Acosta's class. During class time, Huppenthal engages in discourse with students and faculty about his concerns with the MAS program. When Huppenthal asked why there was a poster of Che Guevara on the wall and not one of Benjamin Franklin, the program's director stated that Franklin was "against the inclusion of tawnian [dark skinned] people." Huppenthal did not believe that his visit to Acosta's class was representative of a typical MAS program class and thought this remark about Franklin was inappropriate. At the next Senate Education Committee voting session for the new bills, Huppenthal speaks about his experience in a MAS program class. HB 2281 was approved and sent to new Governor Jan Brewer for her signature. This leads to a student/teacher rally against HB 2281, at which the Tucson Brown Berets demonstrate their support for the MAS program.

At a press conference one week later, Tom Horne and Margaret Dugan criticize the uniforms of the Brown Berets for being revolutionary since their faces were covered by bandannas and sunglasses. Students, teachers, and community members then stage a sit-down at the state building where Horne and Dugan are holding the press conference. Four students and eleven adults are arrested for refusing to leave the state building. Despite their efforts, Governor Jan Brewer signed HB 2281 into law.

As the documentary concludes, producers film the last day of school in Acosta and Gonzalez's classes. In Acosta's class, the students and himself become very emotional about their year. Crystal, Priscila, and Gilbert are then filmed at their graduation ceremony. Priscila reveals that she will attend the University of Arizona, Crystal gets a tattoo of a hummingbird to remind her to stay active in her community, and Gilbert reflects on the lessons he has learned. Before becoming Attorney General, Tom Horne declared that the MAS program classes were in violation of the law, so the TUSD cancelled the Raza Studies classes.

Precious Knowledge | Ethnic Studies in Arizona | Independent Lens ...
src: www.pbs.org

After the film

In 2011, following the events of the film, an audit was performed by the request of John Huppenthal, in hopes of finding justifications to remove the program. However, the audit's findings showed that the program was in line with the bill passed into law, HB 2281. Despite the results of the audit, the Arizona state government informed the Tucson United School District that the school district would lose $14 million of its funding if the program were to continue. As a result, the Tucson United School District cut the Mexican-American studies (MAS) program in early 2012.

Certain books taught in MAS Program classrooms were also banned from TUSD school for the same reasons used to eliminate the MAS Program. The follow works were accused of presenting "anti-American" sentiments and creating resentment toward America.

  1. 500 Years of Chicano History in Pictures edited by Elizabeth Martinez
  2. Chicano! The History of the Mexican Civil Rights Movement by Arturo Rosales
  3. Critical Race Theory by Richard Delgado
  4. Message to Aztlan by Rodolfo Corky Gonzales
  5. Occupied America: A History of Chicanos by Rodolfo Acuña
  6. Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire
  7. Rethinking Columbus: The Next 500 Years, edited by Bill Bigelow and Bob Peterson.

According to eyewitness reports by MAS students, the books were confiscated by school officials in front of students. One student noted, "We were in shock... it was very heartbreaking to see that happening in the middle of class."

In March 2013, Curtis Acosta, and other teachers and students of the program took the issue to federal court. They challenged the legality of HB 2281 and its application, with the hope that if it were overturned, the MAS program would be reinstated. The plaintiffs took issue with (1) the constitutionality of HB 2281; (2) the fact that there was no "legal justification to eliminate the Mexican-American Studies Program", (because it was in line with the law, evidenced by the audit performed in 2011); and (3) the vague language of the law, which presented opportunity for discriminatory misinterpretation. Ultimately, the federal district court left the law mostly intact. The court nullified only the section of the statute, that restricted classes "designed for a particular ethnic group," because it infringed upon the First Amendment. Unsatisfied with the results, the plaintiffs--at this point reduced to two students Korina Lopez and Maya Arce, as well as the director of the MAS program, Sean Arce (also Maya's father)--filed an appeal. The case went to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on July 7, 2015, as Arce v. Douglas. The appellate court decided to return the case to the district court to give the plaintiffs a trial on their claims of racial discrimination.

On August 22, 2017, Judge A. Wallace Tashima ruled that "both enactment and enforcement [of] [HB 2281] were motivated by racial animus." He further added that HB 2281 demonstrated prejudice against Latino student, thus violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Judge Tashima also ruled that HB 2281 "violated students' [first] Amendment 'right to receive information and ideas.'" Racist blog posts and comments from Huppenthal also influenced Judge Tashima's ruling. While he was Arizona's Superintendent, Huppenthal used the pseudonyms "Thucydides" and "Falcon 9" to speak out against the MAS Program. Huppenthal also compared the Mexican American Studies program to Hitler's regime and criticized the program's use of Spanish radio stations, billboards, TV stations, and newspapers.

In an interview with Ari Bloomekatz, Curtis Acosta spoke about the court's ruling. He stated, "We knew we had the truth on our side, we knew what we went through. We knew who these people were who did this to us, and it's just after so many years of being told you're crazy, and we have tinfoil hats, and down is up and up is down, it was just shocking to hear the clarity and the affirmation, the validity of our program, of my colleagues and me. Our integrity was restored through a 9th Circuit judge."

The large controversy and banning of the program in Arizona led to a rapid spread of school districts in California and Texas to consider Mexican-American Studies programs. The result of this controversy also led Curtis Acosta to start a consulting business in 2013 meant to further spread ethnic studies classes in the states of California, Oregon, Texas, and Washington by guiding the creation, process and training of such a program in these states.

According to the Arizona Daily Star, it is unlikely that the MAS program will be reinstated. The fate of the program rests in the hands of the Tucson Unified School District Board. Since the program was eliminated, the district has been "developing 'culturally relevant courses' to replace ethnic studies programming."

Precious Knowledge | Latino Films in Topeka
src: campuspress.yale.edu


Ari Luis Palos and Eren Isabel McGinnis began filming Precious Knowledge on October 31, 2008, after being granted permission by the Tucson Unified School District. The filmmakers were allowed complete access to the ethnic studies program in Tucson Magnet High School throughout the 2008-2009 school year. Early on, they planned to use a combination of interviews and footage from inside and outside the MAS classrooms to explore various perspectives.


Ari Luis Palos and Eren Isabel McGinnis had a long history of filming documentaries centered on minorities before embarking on this project. According to McGinnis, their films "give [a] voice to communities often silenced or stereotyped by mainstream media." McGinnis was also particularly invested in this film because she had a son attending Tucson High School during the controversy. Furthermore, both filmmakers are of Mexican descent and have a "deep reverence and love of all things Mexican"

McGinnis also revealed the meaning behind the film's title in an interview that appeared in the academic journal, The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS). "Precious knowledge" is a reference to Mayan concepts that say to "self-reflect (Tezcatlipoca), seek out precious and beautiful knowledge (Quetzalcoatl), begin to act (Huitzilopochtli) and ultimately transform (Xipe Totec)." The documentary's focus on Quetzalcoatl--precious knowledge--highlights what the activists in the film are fighting for. This and other emphases on Aztec heritage throughout the film reveal the intent by the filmmakers to remind students of their own deep history and their indigenous ancestors. With this knowledge, Eren McGinnis hopes to support the same message supported by the Mexican-American Studies program that these Mexican-American students "are not 'outsiders' or 'invaders'" of this country.

LIFE/USA Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion: “Precious ...
src: iit.edu

Film reception

Since its premiere on Independent Lens on May 17, 2012, the documentary is often screened at colleges across the country. The screening is also sometimes accompanied by a discussion on the film with Curtis Acosta, former teacher of the MAS program in Tucson Unified School District.

  • University of Pittsburgh (2018)
  • Texas A&M (2017)
  • Ferris State University (2015)
  • Regis University (2014)
  • Western Illinois University (2012)


The film received the following awards:

  1. Audience Favorite and Special Jury Award, San Diego Latino Film Festival (2011)
  2. Honorable Mention in the Best Documentary Category, Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival (2011)
  3. Premio Mesquite for Best Documentary, Cine Festival at the Guadalupe Cultural Art Center in San Antonio, Texas (2012)

Watch Precious Knowledge Online | Vimeo On Demand | High school ...
src: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com


Classroom Battle | Currents Feature | Tucson Weekly
src: media1.fdncms.com

External links

  • Official website

Source of the article : Wikipedia
